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Archive for the tag “Health”

What Nutrition Is Considered To Be ‘Normal’: Answer 5 Questions And Find Out Your Nutrition Style

The concept of ‘normal’ nutrition may vary from person to person. Indeed, the answer to the question ‘What nutrition style is normal?’ depends on your location, gender, profession and background. Nevertheless, there are several points that are common for everyone, such as not drinking too much alcohol, try to limit your consumption of fast food etc. The scientists from the Academy of Nutrition and Dietetics asked several questions about healthy nutrition, and today I’m going to answer them according to my idea of ‘normal’ nutrition.

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Falling In Love With Yourself: Signs Of Low Self-Esteem And Ways To Rise It

When you love yourself, the life itself starts loving you, and if you are having hard times accepting yourself with all your shortcomings, you definitely need some help. Some people spend many years (and dollars) on visiting psychiatrists who are supposed to help them solve this problem, but in fact, you can easily cope with it on your own. So, you belong to this category of people if you:

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Put Your Anger under Control

Anger is a powerful emotion which is characteristic of every person no matter how mild he or she seems to be. If being suppressed, anger can destroy you from the inside, if revealed without measure and reason it can hurt people surrounding you. That’s why it is very important to control your anger in order not to cause troubles both yourself and other people.

Anger control will save you from some problems with your health. If you are in a hot temper too often and the feeling is too strong it may lead to high blood pressure, heart diseases and disorders of your nervous system. If the anger is suppressed it usually leads to anxiety, depression, headaches, skin disorders and digestive problems. The fact is, anger is neither good nor bad – it is just a normal emotion you should learn to work with.

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