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Archive for the category “Metaphysical and Spiritual”

Why Don’t People Believe Horoscopes

Do you know your horoscope? When the people hear that question they answer that they are Capricorns or Pisces without a moment of hesitation. But this information is usually obtained by the people via tabloids and non-reliable books by doubtful authors. The papers of suspicious quality and free internet resources publish the horoscopes that are complied by computer programs and applications which have nothing to do with the deep and profound analysis of a person carried out by a specialist. Moreover they use the same information that is slightly altered and published in a randomized order.

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Stereotypes of Muslims.

People tend to generalize things and events. Especially if it concerns the most disputable and controversial issues. Unfortunately it may cause serious problems. People are different and not many of us are okay with it. Let’s see what westerners tend to think of Muslims.

Due to the political and war conflicts in the East many have negative notion of Muslim culture and traditions. Negative representation appeared for the first time in mass culture. Such movies as The Sheik (1921), The Song of Love (1923), The Black Stallion (1979) are depicting the Arabs as cunning and opportunistic individuals. In fact stereotypes regarding the Arabs and Muslim culture stem from mass culture. People are affected by it and are sure that they know pretty much about Muslim traditions and customs.

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Killed for honor

In the history of religion there are a lot of horrible facts among the respected ones, the ones that must strengthen the spirituality of a person and make people proud of their faith.

What frightens the world right now is the increasing amount of women honor killings in Muslim countries and communities in Europe. This is the religious ritual, the sign that seems so obsolete, one can hardly believe that such animal laws can still exist in the modern developed world.

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