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Archive for the category “Travel and Leisure”

New Trend – Itinerary

Nowadays, when the Internet provides endless opportunities to reveal your talent or improve creative skills, writing became a common activity among all groups of the society. Everybody write, some for their own pleasure, some for the purpose to become known among the readers. A new trend in the world of writing is itinerary, a travel journal, or, as it is called in the modern language, travelog.

In travelogs you do not only describe your trip in terms of “I have visited the ruins of Angkor which present an excellent example of Khmer art”. It sounds boring and, besides, this information can be found in any guidebook devoted to Cambodia. What you need is to find something unique, to tell about the country through the prism of your own perception, to describe funny adventures you’ve experienced while visiting, for instance, the forbidden for tourists zones of these Angkor ruins.

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