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Archive for the tag “Men’s Health”

Where to Find Reliable Information

In the modern world it is not a problem to get news and be informed on what actually happens. However, a new problem arises from this great diversity of information – how can we define the quality of data, as there are so many mass media resources and not of them are reliable? I made up a list of the most popular and most respected public editions in the world, hope it will help you to get qualitative information from the great variety of the news existed.

The Time magazine comes first. This public edition was first released in 1923 and since that time it is recognized as the most widely read in the world. It covers the events happening round the globe irrespective of the country or race, that’s why the information provided there can be considered objective. It is a great honor to find yourself on the pages of this magazine in the section Time Magazine Man of the Year.

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